Contact / Orders

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We are especially interested in your opinion. Tell us about it!
We also will answer carefully your questions.



chemcode® is a project of two small Bavarian companies. The company Peter Barthel & Wilhelm Schmidthals GmbH has been partner in designing the product and is now responsible for the organization of the world-wide distribution. We have also tasks concerning qualilty management.

In areas where contracts with dealers for lab equipment exist, the chemcode® is sold by these dealers. If you are interested in becoming a local distributor, please contact us. Choose by a mouse click the informations that fit for you.


Demand for more Informations:

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If you wish to order further informations about the chemcode®, you can use the form below. Please fill in your name, address and the special questions you have. We will answer you as quick as possible. Please choose by a mouse click because you are interested in the chemcode®.


Your Opinion about the chemcode®

Let us know about your opinion!

Having talked with lots of experts we know, that a product like the chemcode® meets the needs and interests of many persons.
Again and again we have used the informations collected in these conversations in order to improve the conception of our chemcode®.
E.g. all the functions concerning biochemistry have been the result of the exchange with experts, to whom the integration of these features (especially for PCR) was of great importance.
We are convinced of the need for and the benefits of a product like our chemcode®. Nevertheless we are interested in getting feedback from our customers and want to know about their experiences in working with our chemcode® during daily routine.

Please contact us. We will always look carefully at your concerns!